Sunday, January 22, 2017

Weigh In Day & a Touch of Reevaluating.

Every Sunday I weigh myself. Today I weighed in at 142.5lbs. Not to shabby considering I started tracking my weight via Weight Watchers on 8/28 and came in at 154.1. My only issue is that I started January at 141.3. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, I've hardly gained a lb over the past 4 weeks. But when you want to see a smaller number, its frustrating! At one point int he past I was down to 139 after doing a round of Insanity so I know its doable to go lower....infact I've seen a picture of me YEARS ago weighing somewhere int he upper 120s. My goal was to loose a bit of weight for my birthday at the end of February but at this point I would like to see mid 130s. My hubby kindly pointed out that my weight not going down may also have to do with gaining muscle. I won't doubt this, but I still want a smaller number.

Since I've been stuck around the same weight for a month now, it's time to reevaluate things. My eating is BETTER this month then it has been in the past's clearly only better enough to maintain. Which, this is GREAT knowledge. Knowing I can maintain my weight makes me feel confident about loosing and keeping it off! BUT, I'm not at the point I want to be at to start maintaining. SOOOO....I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY need to do better with my eating and being a loosing weight frame of mind. I say this as I'm cooking a HUGE pot of spaghetti and my hubby is bring home some cheesy garlic bread lol.

I'm also going to start switching up my workouts. Don't get my wrong, I'm enjoying 21 Day Fix Extreme. I am LOVING the strength it is giving me and I feel like I can see some toning happening in my body. With that being said, I want to workout more during the week. I can't be stuck sitting out a day or two because things are hurting to much. So, I'm going to start up Cize on Beachbody on Demand. When I was debating what workout to start up a couple weeks ago I was hoping to do something with a bit ore cardio so I could burn off some fat around my stomach area. I'm hoping Cize will help me out with that. I also feel like not doing 1 million and 1 squats and lunges each day will help me be able to squeeze in more then a few workouts each week. Another downside of being SO SORE is that things aren't getting done around my house. We are prepping for a bit of a kitchen remodel in the near near near future so I need to be spending time at home working on some stuff inside of being stuck on the couch unable to bend down.

So I'm going to enjoy my big pot of spaghetti and garlic bread, maybe play some video games and/or binge a bit of Netflix, and finish off my Sunday being excited to start fresh tomorrow!

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