Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Resting Again

I spent all day trying to decide if I should rest day it or not today. I would have my self 100% convinced that I was going to go straight into Day 6 today....and then I would have to use the restrooms and my legs would remind me why a rest day might be needed. I googled and found someone that listed out the moves in Day 6 Dirty 30 of 21 Day Fit Extreme and......for real why so many squats and lunges!?!?!?! So at one point, while using the rest room, my legs said "hey lady, give us a rest!". So rest I did. Ate a healthish dinner, watched some tv, and now I'm going go soak in the tub and do some reading before bed.

I thought I would take today's rest day to explain my process, or whatever it should be called. It is important to track your not only your weight but your body. Things can change even if the scale isn't showing it. So, months and months and months ago I took before photos. I never fully finished the program I was doing at the time so I never took after photos. I am going to use the month of January to take my after photos and also have a "first of the year" photo to reflect back on. Fingers crossed this is the year the healthy lifestyle plan actually sticks full time and not just part time. SO I'm in the process of figuring out just what day to take the photos on. Also debating if I should do monthly photos or spread them out more. I also measure my body weekly. I've been doing it for a few months. It helps to see where the numbers are moving on your body when they start shifting on the scale. I'm proud to say I have lost some inches here and there and will be showing those number to you in the future :).  I also, very religiously, weigh myself once a week. It's typical every Sunday morning but sometimes vacations or holidays will pop up and I will weigh myself a day or so early, or late. I'm not going to cram a Christmas turkey into my stomach and weigh myself the next day. So in that situation I weighed myself a day early....same thing will probably happen on my Birthday as I plan to splurge on many many many bad for me foods that day.

When I start doing bad with my  eating and working out that tends to be the time I stop stepping on the scale. I know the number won't be good so why do it. Then things REALLY slip, i loose a bit of control, then I step on and the number is high again. NOT THIS YEAR!!!!!!! I am going to weigh myself in EVER Sundays...infact I will share my weighs in with you. So why not get caught up for the year...

1/1/17 - 141.3
1/8/17 - 141.6
1/15/17 - 142.2

As you can tell I have been slacking lately. I hardly gained a full pound in three weeks though so I like to consider that maintaining. I'm doing WAY better with my eating so far this week and am hoping this 21 Day Fix Extreme will help shove that number down. I'm not considered with the 1lb gain at all for the simple fact that I started this Journey at the end of August weighing 154.1lbs. It's been fun to watch what a bad weekend and being a bit backed up looks like compared to a bad week that doesn't drop right off in a weeks time. (that bad week was also my hubby and I's road trip vacation so I didn't care at all).  T here is always ups, and always downs. I just try to learn from the moments when my scale goes up so I can change it around and not make it a down moment for my confidence that I am gaining.

I made the picture below a handful of days ago for fun. I was excited to see what my doughnuts looked like on my legs after loosing the weight. Really happy and impressed with what I see and can't wait to keep making improvements. The first pic is from sometime in August 2016 and the second pic is from this month, January 2017.

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