Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 3....uhm...nope.

Today I took an unscheduled rest day and enjoyed Harry Pottery and The Prisoner of Azkaban. I've seen all of the movies and am now reading through the books. I just finished the third book last night and thought I would enjoy the movie tonight while laying on the couch secretly whining about my sore arms.

This week I started Beachbody's 21 Day Fix Extreme. I recently purchased Beachbody on Demand. I splurged and got it for a full year and jumped on to get the full access. Because of this I will probably be doing mainly Beachbody workouts for the year to get my money's worth. I knew I wanted to started a new program on Monday. I'm hoping to loose another 10lbs (or as close to as possible) by my birthday. My birthday February 25th....over a month away. I'm not sure 10lbs is doable but I know I can get close if I keep an eye on my food and work hard at my workouts. With these 10lbs in mind I was trying to decided between 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and Cize. As badly as I wanted to do Cize I thought a nice short 21 day program might work best to get me out of Yoga mode. I opted for 21 Day Fix Extreme thinking I would be pushing myself harder.........I am killing myself hahaha.

I love Yoga, love love love! I've dabbled it here and there but recently have fallen for it. It helped me shed off some weight and I'm loving the flexibility I'm gaining with it. As much as I'm loving Yoga right now I know I need to switch it up. I need to show my body I'm meaning business here......and then I'll go back to Yoga.

So Monday was Day 1, Piyo Extreme. I'm not a huge fan of Piyo. I don't really like cardio and I'm not a big fan of constantly jumping around. But it's only once a week for the next three weeks so I put my big girl pants on and did it. I didn't feel like it was to tough but it did make me feel out of shape. I was taking a ton of lil mini breaks when it wasn't time to break and found myself stopping moves before I should off. I ended the workout thinking I should of pushed myself harder. That was a lie. My legs did that fun thing on Tuesday where you wake up feeling fine and gradually get more sore as the day goes by. My hubby wanted to go see a movie on Tuesday night and my legs where SO SORE by time it was done I opted to just go to bed and make it a rest day. Wednesday I was still a little sore but Day 2 is Upper Fix extreme so I figured my slightly sore legs would be safe. I was much happier with Day 2. It used weights and I LOVE weights. I pushed myself but also took it easy as I didn't want sore arms AND sore legs on Thursday. I was really feeling the workout in my arms when I finished but went to bed feeling pretty alright, in fact I even woke up today not feeling anything except a tiny dull pain still in my legs (ugh legs, why are you so weak!!!). So I go to work, excited for Day 3 because its Pilates Extreme and I love me some pilates! My arms....well more so that muscle on the upper edge of your chest that you use a lot when you move your did that fun thing where it got a little sore, then more sore, then A LOT sore through out the day.

So I decided this afternoon that for the first 7 "days", aka workouts, I will do 1 day workout, 1 day rest. This should give my body some time to get use to the change of workouts. I'm hoping to avoid hurting myself AND the dreaded burn out. The 21 Day Fix Extreme does have a yoga day, but doesn't have a rest day. I'm a tad bit worried with as sore as I'm getting that if I plowed through these workouts that I'll burn out and not finish the program. If I happen to do a workout and feel like doing the next one the next day with no rest then of course I will do it, but i'm not going to fear inserting a rest day into the calendar.

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