Thursday, January 26, 2017

Not My Month

So apparently January is not my month this year. Long story short I may have messed my knee up, my back seems a bit messed up, and I have a REALLY bad headache today soooo.....I didn't workout yesterday and I'm going to chill out and eat pizza rolls tonight.

Long version of the story. Over the weekend I was trying to show off and do do the wheel pose while my hubby was upstairs, he was going to walk down and be like "oh your so silly". I went to lift and something popped in my knee. Not my knee pooped, something IN it popped. So i laid on the floor a bit thinking "hmmm...not good i'm assuming" but then nothing hurt so I didn't think much off it. Fast forward to Tuesday night. While doing Yoga I kept brushing against my knee and it would hurt. The kind of hurt you get when you push on a bruise. Not recalling running into anything I was sure to check it out later on. To my surprise, there was a huge bruise on the side of my knee! So I wake up Wednesday, still sore in my back...the kind of sore that is making me question if a chiro visit is needed or not. And then my knee starts feeling weird. So after some Facebook and googling I decided its best to not push things to hard on my knee....JUST incase. I have a dr visit already set up on feb 6th for other things so worse case scenrio I take it easy and its still bugging me I bring it up to him, Well it also snowed on Wednesday. Heavy, wet, disgusting snow. Another short version of a story...I had our snow blower, I had to do some shoveling, there was a bit of a slip that almost had me face planting on our snowy drive way, and it all ended with me ugly crying in our garage because my husband isn't home to do this stuff for me. So I of course HAD to have  glass of wine last night before bed. And by glass of wine I mean a coffee mug because my wine glasses weren't clean. I was super careful with the amount I poured in the mug and enjoyed it while taking a hot bath and then falling asleep to some Harry Potter reading. I woke up with a killer headache. Not sure if its the wine, the soreness, the weather, or all of the above mixed together but this headache is not the kind that goes away. It has lasted all day and is only being dulled by anything I've taken for it. So here I am enjoying pizza rolls, sipping on gatorade, and probably going to bed super early. I do have a chiro appointment set up for tomorrow so hopefully he fixes me up and I can get down to business again!

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