Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My Body Hates Me

"Do cardio, it won't make you as sore" I thought. "A dance workout will be easy as pie" I also thought. Apparently, I was wrong. I can tell you the EXACT move that hurt my back. It was some "trip" move that involved a small bounce on one leg while kicking the other front and back. I think this move was the 3rd move you learned so it repeated again, and again, and again! To the point I started modifying it because I just grew tired of trying to kick my leg so fast. I enjoyed a soak in my tub with a bath bomb and a glass of wine and went to bed with a slightly tight feeling back. I should of been surprised when I woke up with one of the sorest backs I think I have ever had!!

I woke, rubbed on some icy hot, and went to work. I tried myself to keep it loose all day but it was of no use. My lower back was a ball of tightness that would shoot pains out at the slightest moves. Not the "I'm going to die" type of pains, but the "ow, I worked out yesterday" pain. So, I once again, had a bit of thinking on what to do. I had a good think while driving home with my heated seat warming my back nicely. My mind was fighting off the idea of a rest day, wondering if I should push on, or figure something else out. I landed on figure something else out. I landed on Yoga. I just can't stay away from Yoga! I love the stretch it gives, the flexibility it gives, the strength it gives, and the peacefulness it gives! So I have opted on doing Cize every other day and fitting in Yoga on the in between days. The cardio from Cize should help me slim down while the Yoga should help keep my loose. I'm also hoping to not loose some of the gains I've made in yoga. I want to keep the flexibility I've got. I also am hoping to work on my balance. I thought my balance was pretty good but it I keep finding myself wiggling and falling over. On the plus side, working on my balance will also work on my core :) .

I'm getting excited and nervous as this week slowly creeps by. I will be weighing in, measuring, AND taking photos on Sunday. I can't wait to see where I am at. Where I am compared to this past fall and where I am starting 2017 at. This will be the year I don't give up and continue to see changes. Can't wait to compare December 2017 pics with the ones I will be taking this weekend.

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