Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 3, Day 4, Rest :)

I am enjoying a lovely, lazy, rest day and eating a bow full of pizza rolls. I love pizza and I REALLY love pizza rolls. I tried to restart weight watchers this week and long story short I had a bit of a fail that all made sense today. So tomorrow I restarts and tonight I fest on pizza rolls and Halo Top ice cream.

Friday was Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme. Pilates Extreme! I actually really enjoy pilates and was looking forward to this workout. I have never been near tears in frustration like I  was with this workout. it involved resistance bands, something i'm not use to using while doing pilates. It was frustrating, hard to figure out, and my ankles got pinched 1 to many times. Part way through it my husband and I noticed the band I was using was red and the ones everyone on tv had where pink. It hadn't donned on me to research the band, I just assumed since mine came with a beachbody workout it would be the same. So since I had been so crippled by the resistance band I did some researching later that night and discovered the pink ones fro beachbody are 15lb resistance, the red are 30lb. SOOOOOO.....i learned my lesson about researching what I need and ordered the pink one and the 20lb magenta one. I got them off eBay so hopefully they ship soon.  Eventhough I found day 3 pilates to be the worst struggle ever, it was my own fault. I'm excited to try that workout again with the lighter resistance bands.

I decided on doing Day 4 on Saturday. I opted to not do a rest day between Day 3 and 4 for a few reasons. 1.) I would rather be super sore on Sunday then on Monday. 2.) I wasn't sore after doing pilates...maybe a bit tender but defiantly not sore. 3.) Day 4 is Lower Body Extreme. I'm a bit of a pansy when it comes to sore legs so Saturday I hammered it out...kind of. I'm not extreme enough to hammer out an extreme workout. Lower Body Extreme was basically a few rounds of 3 moves that was 30 seconds of the move as a weighted move then 30 seconds as a plyo move. 1 move would be a squat, the other 2 where lunges, 1 for each side. I have never squated and lunged so much in my life...mixed with my dislike of plyo. I sweated, I struggled a bit, and I took many breaks knowing how sore my legs had already been earlier in the week. Really though it wasn't the worst workout in my life and I'm FEELING it today. Sorest my butt has ever been in my LIFE. Like the WHOLE butt is sore, not just one little part. It's a whole butt load of soreness.

Day 5 is Cardio Extreme. I feel like I could of pushed through the sore butt today and got it done but other things happened that made workout sound not so fun. One of my fav things from these workouts so far is the things that are hurting the next day are the things I want to work on. It's not the type of hurt where "oh no i did something wrong" it's the type of sore where you know it means good things......maybe a bit more sore then I would like but if sore legs mean nice looking legs then give me some sore legs. My legs, butt, and abs should look amazeballs after "21" days.

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