Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dirty 30 Extreme.....Day....I kinda lost track lol

Since I've been adding in rest days I'm loosing track of what "day" I am on. Either way, today was Dirty 30 Extreme....which means Yoga Extreme and then I FINALY get to repeat all these wonderful squats and lunges. Can you FEEL my excitement seeping out of my fingers into my keyboard and onto your screen!?!?! HAHAHA!

Today was rough. I've been having sinus issues for awhile now and am awaiting a dr appointment in early February to rebring it up to him. So until then I am dealing with sinus pressure and headaches. Somedays they aren't there, other days I can fix it, and other days they are just part of my day and nothing will help it. Today was the later. By time I got home from work I was STARVING! I normally have a pre workout snack of an english muffin (light) with some cookie butter on it (num num num). I was TOOOOO hungry for that so I decided to eat dinner, let it settle an watch some TV, then do my workout before getting ready for bed. This idea can back fire easily. My tummy does not like being full when I'm working out, I can easily loose motivation, and if I'm REALLY lucky my headaches will get worse an I'll end up going straight to bed. To help my tummy issues I made sure today didn't involve a ton of jumping or ab workouts and was sure to eat light-ish. To help with the motivation I had changed into my workout clothes while dinner was in the oven. To help my headache I took some sinus meds and some headache meds and crossed my fingers. None of these 100% worked but I still managed to force myself into the workout.

If it hadn't been for the nonstop squats and lunges in this workout series I would of LOVED Dirty 30 Extreme. It was RIGHT up my alley. It involved weights in all the moves (love love love using weights), no jumping (YAHOO!!!), and not so much cardio....all thought all the squats and lunges get your heart pumping and the sweat dripping. My only complaint is you do each move for a full minute which got a bit boring for me. I'll be excited to do this workout again to see if I still feel the same way. This workout also used your balance a bit by having 1 legged squats and also some lunge move that involved balancing while doing a hammer curl. Not sure if it's because I'm a bit tired today or my sinus acting up but my balance was a bit rough when doing the moves the first round, but the second round got a bit better. My legs still being slightly sore isn't helping anything that involves 1 leg. I don't feel like I remember what its like to NOT have sore legs at this point lol. I also enjoy the amount of workout my arms got today. It even had a push-up with an arm row move that was tough but being able to do push ups not on my knees is a goal I hope to do by the end of this year. My only complaint with today was the bonus move was RIDIC! I understand this workout is EXTREME and therefor is pushing you to the limits but HOLY COW a plank crunch with a weight.......I don't think I even did one and hardly was able to do it without the weight! I'm sure someday I'll be able to do this one and when that day comes you can just call me Haylie EXTREME Duben.

Also, sometimes workout can help my headaches.....that is not the case tonight. So am going to soak in the tub then head to bed. Good night folks.

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