Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Me Me Me

Everything has to start somewhere, so why not start with me. I'll keep this short and simple and maybe in the future I can let you know more.

My names Haylie. I live in Iowa. I have a hubby and 2 dogs. I, like most people, have had my ups and downs with my weight and how I feel about my body. One day I'm fine, the next I'm not. I've had a few moments of "this is the highest its ever been and I won't let it be this high again!" followed by some weight loose and then followed by some weight gain that made me even heavier! A few months ago I noticed my clothes not fitting at all, the scale was the heaviest it has ever been, and I was done. I made some changes, lost some weight, and for the first time have been able to stay on track!

I'm starting this blog as a place to post my thoughts and opinions. I also find it semi irritating that when I try to find reviews on workouts I just find people trying to sell me things. I'm not here to do that. Sometimes I take pills and supplements, sometimes I diet, and sometimes I stick to a workout routine or workouts by a certain person.  Sometimes I don't stick to anything at all. I have a large collection of workout DVDs and basement has weights and a treadmill. Currently I'm doing Weight Watchers (my personal fav) and using Beach Body On Demand to find some great workouts. I'll share more on all that later.

I'm a real person. Some days I just want  to play video games and eat junk I do. I love pizza, I love wine, and I love other things that are bad for me. Somedays I'm just not up to working out so I skip it and other days I feel like I REALLY nailed the workout. I love yoga and enjoy workouts that use weights. I hate push-ups, plyo, and most cardio....but will suck it up and do em when I have to.

I like to keep things real, and thats what I'm going to do on this blog. I hope you enjoy.

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