Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekly Update

This weekend was weigh in day and measurement day! I weighed in and took measurements on Saturday instead of Sunday due to my birthday being Saturday. I had plans to eat nothing but junk food all day and felt this would alter what my true weight would be. I came in at 142. My measurements where basically all the same as last month. The only one that showed a difference was my stomach area. To be honest....once again....this was all to be expected.

My headache from hitting my head continued until Wednesday when it started to dull down. Woke up Thursday feeling SO MUCH better, went to bed with a bit of a sore throat, woke up Friday sick as a dog. And sick as a dog I have remained. I can only imagine what all the pain pills and now sinus medications I'm pumping into my body is doing my weight and measurements. I'm not sure the last time I've been this sick. I'm pretty positive this is nothing more then a head cold/sinus infection but I've been laying around on my couch all weekend.  A week from now I will be happily on vacation so my main goal this week is to get myself feeling better. I don't care what my weight is next weekend as long as I'm feeling better. I have a game plan for when I get back from my vacation and I will jump back on board then. Until then, feel better, have a fun trip, and maybe squeeze in some yoga if I can.

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