Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Where Did We Leave Off??

Hello folks!! I'm back from my vaca, still have my head cold, and am trying to get back into the grind of things. So lets do a bit of a recap and catch up!

So the end of February brought on a NASTY head cold that even though I was doing nothing but sleeping and working and not doing my best watching my food I somehow lost 3.4lbs and weighed in at 138.6. I wasn't going to the question the weirdness of that loss because I was pumped to have that in time for my vaca!

So then I spent a week in Cali. LOVED IT!!!!! Now I'm not a huge fan of sticking to the rules when on vacation. It's basically do what I want and eat what I want because its vacation and who cares. So I enjoyed a couple frozen butter beers at Universal Studious and ate up some yummy In-N-Out and had no regrets. Came home and weighed myself this Sunday and gained 3. I have no feelings on this. Loose 3, gain 3.....I'm even in my books.

So then this week started and I was all set to be on track......except for still not feeling 100% AAAAND dealing with jet leg AND daylight saving at the same time. So far my workouts are getting done (although lacking a bit of energy) and my food....that's another story. Honestly, it COULD be worse. basically became a"eat all the shit out of the house" week. I've been eating spaghetti all week, ate Jimmy Johns, enjoyed a soda and so on and so on. I'm hoping my workouts will help me at least not gain this week, but oh well if I do. I always have next week to fix it.

My workouts though are going awesome so far! I am starting a Chalean Extreme and Piyo Hybrid workout. I wanted to get back into lifting some weights and wasn't wanting to give up yoga so I combined. I made this lil calendar to help track my workouts....

I have no yet mapped out my workouts but my plan is so far to do Piyo Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will then do the Burn/Push/Lean circuits of the workout on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be a rest day. I plan on sticking with the Chalean Extreme calendar of have 4 weeks of the Burn Phase, 4 of the Push Phase, and 4 of the Lean Phase. I feel like not mapping out all 3 months worth helps keep it flexible so if my days need to be switched around they can. Still undecided if I want to schedule out each week before it happens or just leave it up to me to fill it in as I go. I may just feel this out. So far this week I've been doing pretty good at getting myself to dothe workouts without having a schedule. Monday I did the Upper Piyo workout, Tuesday was Burn Circuit 1, Tonight will be the Lower Piyo, and tomorrow will be Burn Circuit 3. I'm basicly swapping the cardio days of Chalean Extreme with Piyo. So this makes the Chalean Extreme portion SUPER easy to follow. My only issue is figuring out what workouts I should do in what order for the Piyo portion. I'm thinking I'll try to do the Core workout once a week and then leave the two other days up in the air. I might just do the one I want to do, might toss them in a hat and pull them out, maybe follow the Piyo schedule.....I'll let you know what I end up with.

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