Monday, February 6, 2017


Sorry for the lack of posts.....not that I'm seeing anyone reading this lol. Life got busy. Not the busy busy type of busy where you can't set down, but the stressful kind of busy. So let me catch you up by each day.

Thursday: Was feeling great after starting Beachbody's Plyo and the upgrade in fruits and veggies in my diet. Long story short I should of worked out BEFORE going out to eat but thought I could eat Mexican and workout afterwards. Nope. The chimichanga in my tummy didn't feel doing a down dog and I wasn't going to force it. Friday is the Plyo rest day so I figured I would just swap them.

Friday: Not even sure what my excuse was that night....but I didn't workout. Hahaha looking back I have NO IDEA what I even did on Friday....but I did not workout. My gameplay was to do double up workouts on Saturday.

Saturday: Took my lil fur baby to get an Xray bright in early in the AM. We noticed blood in her urine the weekend before and her urine test from earlier in the week had come back clean. So we ran her in for the Xray and there was a BIG OL STONE in her. So she is going in on Tuesday for Surgery to get that removed and we will find out what may have caused it. I did manage to push through the stress and tiredness of the day and got Plyo Sweat done. I debated doing both Sweat and Lower Body but decided since Sunday was Upper Body that I would add on Lower Body with it.

Sunday: WEIGH IN DAY!!!!! Woke up and stepped on the scale and I Was 140 EXACTLY! No .8 no .4 not even a .1....140.0!!!! That's a loss of 3.2lbs for a TOTAL loss of 14.1! I'M SO CLOSE TO 15lbs GONE!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!! I started weight watchers back up this week and stuck to it and pushed myself during my workouts. PAID OFF!!!! The 3.2 is a rather large number but I'm sure its to the slow gain I had in January and the lack of eating healthy. I upped my veggies and fruits in my diet BIG time. In fact, I overbought fruits so that way I would have to eat them before it all went bad. AND IT PAID OFF!!!!

And then Sunday went slightly downhill lol. We had a healthy breakfast that filled us up until afternoon. We being my hubby and I. So after seeing the time I had a REALLY great idea of "lets get pizza from Papa Murphy's!!!". Something about the Take and Bake makes it feel healthier in my life lol. So we got the pizza with the idea of eating it for a late late lunch and then eating it later for super. Then....I also purchased Lego Dimensions. AWESOME Game....which also meant no working out lol. I have incredibly sore back of my legs from PUSHING it on Saturday so I was ok with that.  The best part....I hardly have any guilt. I want to be able to be healthy and still have fun in life and that's what I did.

Fast Forward to today and the backs of my legs are KILLING me. I'm currently waiting for my salmon to bake in the oven and am hoping that will help balance out the pizza overkill last night. I had a drs appointment today so I brought up the weird knee pop and bruise thing. Long story short he felt my knee and told me I have a wiggly knee cap. The popping was due to it shifting slightly out of place an then back in.....which could of happened if I did a lot of squats (thanks 21 day fix extreme....eye roll). So he just told me to work on strengthening my quad muscle and it should help my knee cap stay in place and move properly instead of being wiggly. I kind of enjoy my wiggly knee cap because one of my dogs has one as well lol. I am also taking the night off again. The back of my legs hurt and Lego Dimensions is calling me name!

I'm really excited to push through this week! I'm going to watch my food the best I can and try to stay on track with my workouts. Fingers crossed that on Sunday I'll be able to say I'm down 15lbs since August! WOOHOO!!!!!

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