Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Why I'm Not Upset

I told you yesterday that I gained 3lbs last week. I'm here to tell you that not only did I gain 3lbs, but I'm not upset about it. Why? Well, to be honest, I was expecting a bit of a gain. I wasn't expecting that big of a gain but, all things considered, its not to bad. Here are reasons why I was expecting a weight gain:

Reason 1: I was doing a new workout. 21 Day Fix is quite the change from nice and flowy yoga I've been sticking to. I figured my muscles were a bit sore off and on all week and that can lead to a bit of a gain. So I was prepared for the scale to not budge much and maybe go in the wrong direction. My first time doing Insanity I did the short xbox versions....I think I nearly lost a pound. But it got my body ready for the next time I did and lost 10lbs.

Reason 2: My food. Even though I was doing ok with my food I had a few days early on that were a bit questionable and the events at the end of the week didn't help it any at all. I ended up ignoring my fruits and veggies and I've learned in the last couple months that those are HUGE to my weight loss success. I just need to keep finding ways to involve fruits and veggies.

Reason 3: I hit my head. I'm not saying its the conclusions fault I gained BUUUT.....I did take some pain killers which can make you retain water. I also stopped carrying about my food in take a LOT more then I should of. I don't really recall what we ate on Friday night but I can tell you Saturday wasn't the best. I'm pretty sure fruits and veggies hardly existed this weekend and I felt my body backing up and getting upset with me. That of course showed up on the scale.

So add those reasons up, and combine them with the shit ton of NSVs I felt like I was having last week and it equals into one giant "Look at all the f*cks I give" towards the 3lb gain. I would be stupid to not expect my body weight to fluctuate, its part of life. Loosing weight has more to it then looking good, its about feeling confident. I haven't felt as thin and wonderful as I was feeling all last week in a long time. I couldn't care less what that number said if I'm feeling that comfy in my body. Now....that's not saying I'm not going to keep making improvements. Yes I love my body and yes I want it to change more! I see nothing wrong with that as long as I'm maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

So if you want me to still be honest....I'm probably not going to see a big drop this week....might even see a gain again. I'm bracing myself for that. I've been taking more meds then I would like, Didn't correct my horrible eating habits until Tuesday, and just started working out by doing yoga yesterday and today. I did the 21 Day Fix Yoga yesterday. It was perfect for testing the waters. It was a nice easy yoga that helped me stretch out. I pushed it a bit today and did the 21 Day Fix Extreme of my fav yogas. It felt so good to try and move into the more advanced moves and I think it's also helping my soreness I'm still dealing with from hitting my head.

My Birthday is this Saturday. I LOOOOVE treating myself to junk food to celebrate my Birthday. You only get so many days a year to throw all your food care out the window and this is one of them for me. I will be weighing myself Saturday morning because I'm sure I'll be super bloated and loaded with junk on Sunday morning and I don't see the point in punishing myself THAT bad by seeing that number. So weight and measurements for the week and month will be done a day early. I was going to try to be super healthy last weekend and all this week to make ups or the binge feast that is about to happen had other plans for me.

I am also happy to report that my headache that has been a pretty nasty one since hitting my head on Friday has FINALY dulled down.....A LOT!!! I was taking 2 pills a day from the dr to help with the pain and I was able to reduce it to just 1 today and I don't feel the need to take any pm headache stuff to help me sleep off the pain tonight. The more I look back at hitting my head and all the issues it has caused me this week, the more shocked I am that I have no marks from it! No bump, no scratch, not even a tiny bruise!!! Just one nasty headache.

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