Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Not Today....Just Kidding!!!!

WOW, what a close call. I was SOOO CLOSE to talking myself out of working out today. So close that I even was 100% for sure not working out this week! I had to wake up a tad bit earlier then normal to drop my little Lola off for surgery this morning and was going to come home and prep the house for her to come back tomorrow. I also figured she might just want to cuddle tomorrow and me working out would be no fun for her. I got home and told myself "NO!". I even distracted myself by vacuuming and doing some carpet cleaning but even after all that....I pushed myself and got my workout done!!!

I'm basically starting over with Plyo....seems to be my theme since I've started to blog. Hopefully I can push past the first week this time. The way things fell and the soreness in some of my muscles, starting over this week just seemed to fit right. So I did Lower Body today. love me some good stretchy leg workouts!!! Feeling great after getting the workout done, and it helped that it was a tiny lil 20 minute workout.

One of the fun thing with getting in shape is to be able to see and feel your progress. The wonderful, constant Down Dog in most yoga type workouts I do have allowed me to stare at my thighs....a lot. I can't tell you at what point it happened but one day I was chilling in down dog, looked at my thighs, and was like "wow! they got smaller!". That was a while ago and from time to time while taking a few breaths in Down Dog I'm able to look at my thighs and be proud, or impressed, or ready to push harder because of them. I had one of those moments again today. I don't even recall what they looked like back in August, I just know they look so much better and leaner today. I'm pretty dang proud of that. Another thing is the ability to go lower in squats and lunges. Not just go lower, but go lower with more ease. You can think "oh I can Lunge all Day".....but you can't. You'll do a workout that wants you to do a lot of them and it'll KILL the next day (been there, done that). Once you start doing those large numbers though you can really feel it. Its a hard to explain feeling but you can just tell. You sense your self going further into a move and with more ease, more strength, more structure then before. These are the things that help keep me motivated.

This is a picture of Lola and I riding to the vet on Saturday for her X-ray. I dropped her of this morning before work and wanted to cry as I drove away. This is her 4th time staying the night at the vet due to a surgery. 1st time she got fixed, 2nd time was her ACL, 3rd time was her other ACL, and now the bladder stone removal. The vet called after the surgery and said it all went well and the are sending the stone off to get tested. We should get results in a week to see what might of caused it and then we kind of go on from there. I'm ready to pick her up and bring her home tomorrow but until then I'll give our other dog Graham lots and lots and lots and lots of cuddles! (even though he's not being to cuddly tonight lol)

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