Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weigh In Day!

Talk about one stressful week! I was on call for work, my dog had surgery, and I did my very best to stay on track with eating and working out because I was .9 lbs away from saying "I LOST 15LBS!!!!!". That less then 1 pound made me want to be extra careful with everything I did, but it just didn't happen that way.

Eating - Not to bad!!! I ate to much pizza on Sunday but I'm trying this new thing where Sundays are my 100% cheat days and I don't track anything. There where also chocolate cookies involved on Sunday. One of the days at work we went out to eat for lunch and I had pancakes so I just made sure to eat light stuff for dinner to balance it out. Did my very best to get my fruits and veggies in and by time Saturday rolled around I was able to have a couple more splurges because I had done so well with Weight Watchers all week.

Working out - HORRIBLE!!!!! I managed to work out on Wednesday when my dog came home from surgery and it ended there. It's been really stressful watching her recover. Turns out when they have a surgery that involves their bladder it leads to them either not being able to hold it OR acting like they can't go. It has been breaking my heart into a million pieces to watch her act 100% fine and then acting like its hurting to potty. She is doing LOADS better today so fingers crossed, next week will be better for me lol. I get headaches pretty easily and one of my triggers is stress. So stressing over my dog made it to hard to muster up the energy to push through a headache and slam out a good workout.

I woke up this morning and was all types of nervous to step on the scale. I get nervous anytime I step on a scale just because of the way it can toy with your emotions. Today was extra nerve wracking. What if I really hadn't been eating as well as I thought I had been trying. What if not counting the points for weight watchers on Sunday was a bad bad idea. What if not working out ruined it for me? What if that dumb pizza + pancake + non-workout made me loose .5 instead of .9 lbs. I would be happy with a half pound loss, but when all you need is to loose a pound to say you lost 15 total......that pound gets a little personal. So I took a deep breath, stepped on the scale, stood up straight, and closed my eyes. I looked down and had to step on the scale 2 more times to make sure it wasn't lying to me. I lost! I lost my 1lb.....and then some! My scale looked back up at me proudly showing "137.6".  That is a weekly weight loss of 2.4 lbs for a total of (drum roll please) 16.5 LBS!!!!!!!!! I kicked that 15 lbs in the butt lol. I pulled out the paperwork from when I did Insanity and the lowest weight on that was 138. That folks, puts my back in post Insanity weight range and 10lbs away from the weight I was at in my mid 20s. I GOT THIS! I am now hitting the point where in the past the scale gets stuck so I'm excited to see what I can do. And also excited to see if I can keep it off!

I also wanted to share a picture with everyone that I took this week.

This is a black belt that I have worn for a long time. I put it on this week because I wanted a skinny black belt instead of the chunky one I normally wear. Although this is my go to black belt, I haven't put it in on some time. In this picture the belt is the latched at the lowest hole on it. WOW! Not only is it on the lowest hole and that big (and un usable with my jeans) but where my fingers are is the 2nd to last hole. The 2nd to last hole is the hole I have been battling to drop down from for a long time. Anytime I would move down from it to the last whole I would be "bloated" or "have the wrong jeans on" or just "feeling fat" and need to go to the 2nd to last hole. Guess I got rid of that bloated feeling for good :). Really excited to have something REALLY show what my 15....or should I say 16.5 pound loss looks like.

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