Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Where Did We Leave Off??

Hello folks!! I'm back from my vaca, still have my head cold, and am trying to get back into the grind of things. So lets do a bit of a recap and catch up!

So the end of February brought on a NASTY head cold that even though I was doing nothing but sleeping and working and not doing my best watching my food I somehow lost 3.4lbs and weighed in at 138.6. I wasn't going to the question the weirdness of that loss because I was pumped to have that in time for my vaca!

So then I spent a week in Cali. LOVED IT!!!!! Now I'm not a huge fan of sticking to the rules when on vacation. It's basically do what I want and eat what I want because its vacation and who cares. So I enjoyed a couple frozen butter beers at Universal Studious and ate up some yummy In-N-Out and had no regrets. Came home and weighed myself this Sunday and gained 3. I have no feelings on this. Loose 3, gain 3.....I'm even in my books.

So then this week started and I was all set to be on track......except for still not feeling 100% AAAAND dealing with jet leg AND daylight saving at the same time. So far my workouts are getting done (although lacking a bit of energy) and my food....that's another story. Honestly, it COULD be worse. basically became a"eat all the shit out of the house" week. I've been eating spaghetti all week, ate Jimmy Johns, enjoyed a soda and so on and so on. I'm hoping my workouts will help me at least not gain this week, but oh well if I do. I always have next week to fix it.

My workouts though are going awesome so far! I am starting a Chalean Extreme and Piyo Hybrid workout. I wanted to get back into lifting some weights and wasn't wanting to give up yoga so I combined. I made this lil calendar to help track my workouts....

I have no yet mapped out my workouts but my plan is so far to do Piyo Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will then do the Burn/Push/Lean circuits of the workout on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday will be a rest day. I plan on sticking with the Chalean Extreme calendar of have 4 weeks of the Burn Phase, 4 of the Push Phase, and 4 of the Lean Phase. I feel like not mapping out all 3 months worth helps keep it flexible so if my days need to be switched around they can. Still undecided if I want to schedule out each week before it happens or just leave it up to me to fill it in as I go. I may just feel this out. So far this week I've been doing pretty good at getting myself to dothe workouts without having a schedule. Monday I did the Upper Piyo workout, Tuesday was Burn Circuit 1, Tonight will be the Lower Piyo, and tomorrow will be Burn Circuit 3. I'm basicly swapping the cardio days of Chalean Extreme with Piyo. So this makes the Chalean Extreme portion SUPER easy to follow. My only issue is figuring out what workouts I should do in what order for the Piyo portion. I'm thinking I'll try to do the Core workout once a week and then leave the two other days up in the air. I might just do the one I want to do, might toss them in a hat and pull them out, maybe follow the Piyo schedule.....I'll let you know what I end up with.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekly Update

This weekend was weigh in day and measurement day! I weighed in and took measurements on Saturday instead of Sunday due to my birthday being Saturday. I had plans to eat nothing but junk food all day and felt this would alter what my true weight would be. I came in at 142. My measurements where basically all the same as last month. The only one that showed a difference was my stomach area. To be honest....once again....this was all to be expected.

My headache from hitting my head continued until Wednesday when it started to dull down. Woke up Thursday feeling SO MUCH better, went to bed with a bit of a sore throat, woke up Friday sick as a dog. And sick as a dog I have remained. I can only imagine what all the pain pills and now sinus medications I'm pumping into my body is doing my weight and measurements. I'm not sure the last time I've been this sick. I'm pretty positive this is nothing more then a head cold/sinus infection but I've been laying around on my couch all weekend.  A week from now I will be happily on vacation so my main goal this week is to get myself feeling better. I don't care what my weight is next weekend as long as I'm feeling better. I have a game plan for when I get back from my vacation and I will jump back on board then. Until then, feel better, have a fun trip, and maybe squeeze in some yoga if I can.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Why I'm Not Upset

I told you yesterday that I gained 3lbs last week. I'm here to tell you that not only did I gain 3lbs, but I'm not upset about it. Why? Well, to be honest, I was expecting a bit of a gain. I wasn't expecting that big of a gain but, all things considered, its not to bad. Here are reasons why I was expecting a weight gain:

Reason 1: I was doing a new workout. 21 Day Fix is quite the change from nice and flowy yoga I've been sticking to. I figured my muscles were a bit sore off and on all week and that can lead to a bit of a gain. So I was prepared for the scale to not budge much and maybe go in the wrong direction. My first time doing Insanity I did the short xbox versions....I think I nearly lost a pound. But it got my body ready for the next time I did and lost 10lbs.

Reason 2: My food. Even though I was doing ok with my food I had a few days early on that were a bit questionable and the events at the end of the week didn't help it any at all. I ended up ignoring my fruits and veggies and I've learned in the last couple months that those are HUGE to my weight loss success. I just need to keep finding ways to involve fruits and veggies.

Reason 3: I hit my head. I'm not saying its the conclusions fault I gained BUUUT.....I did take some pain killers which can make you retain water. I also stopped carrying about my food in take a LOT more then I should of. I don't really recall what we ate on Friday night but I can tell you Saturday wasn't the best. I'm pretty sure fruits and veggies hardly existed this weekend and I felt my body backing up and getting upset with me. That of course showed up on the scale.

So add those reasons up, and combine them with the shit ton of NSVs I felt like I was having last week and it equals into one giant "Look at all the f*cks I give" towards the 3lb gain. I would be stupid to not expect my body weight to fluctuate, its part of life. Loosing weight has more to it then looking good, its about feeling confident. I haven't felt as thin and wonderful as I was feeling all last week in a long time. I couldn't care less what that number said if I'm feeling that comfy in my body. Now....that's not saying I'm not going to keep making improvements. Yes I love my body and yes I want it to change more! I see nothing wrong with that as long as I'm maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

So if you want me to still be honest....I'm probably not going to see a big drop this week....might even see a gain again. I'm bracing myself for that. I've been taking more meds then I would like, Didn't correct my horrible eating habits until Tuesday, and just started working out by doing yoga yesterday and today. I did the 21 Day Fix Yoga yesterday. It was perfect for testing the waters. It was a nice easy yoga that helped me stretch out. I pushed it a bit today and did the 21 Day Fix Extreme of my fav yogas. It felt so good to try and move into the more advanced moves and I think it's also helping my soreness I'm still dealing with from hitting my head.

My Birthday is this Saturday. I LOOOOVE treating myself to junk food to celebrate my Birthday. You only get so many days a year to throw all your food care out the window and this is one of them for me. I will be weighing myself Saturday morning because I'm sure I'll be super bloated and loaded with junk on Sunday morning and I don't see the point in punishing myself THAT bad by seeing that number. So weight and measurements for the week and month will be done a day early. I was going to try to be super healthy last weekend and all this week to make ups or the binge feast that is about to happen had other plans for me.

I am also happy to report that my headache that has been a pretty nasty one since hitting my head on Friday has FINALY dulled down.....A LOT!!! I was taking 2 pills a day from the dr to help with the pain and I was able to reduce it to just 1 today and I don't feel the need to take any pm headache stuff to help me sleep off the pain tonight. The more I look back at hitting my head and all the issues it has caused me this week, the more shocked I am that I have no marks from it! No bump, no scratch, not even a tiny bruise!!! Just one nasty headache.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

What's Up Doc

So Saturday's headache did not go away. In fact it turns out I had a concussion this weekend. Working out Friday was probably not the best idea. Going full steam ahead cleaning my guest room Saturday morning was probably also a bad idea. Woke up Sunday and even though I was feeling a bit better (not thinking as slowly) my headache was killing me. I couldn't tell if it was just a non stop headache due to my date with the corner of the wall or it was going to go downhill and turn into a migraine. I called the teladoc (because its free) and he said it defiantly sounded like I dealt with a concussion but he was unable to prescribe me any pain stuff that was stronger then what I had already tried. So a trip the walk in clinic it was where my hubby and I probably got exposed to the flu by a few people. She checked me over, was impressed I didn't have a single bump or bruise on my head after telling her how hard I hit the wall, and prescribed me some pills and gave me a shot in the butt. I spent the rest of the day Sunday sleeping on the couch, cuddling my pups, and reading a bit of Harry Pottery until Walking Dead time. The dr told me that I was probably going to be dealing with this "headache" for a few days since its just a load of soreness due to force of the hit.

Monday was a bit rough and I wish I could of taken the day off work to rest up a bit more. Defiantly no working out for me. Then today I woke up FINALY feeling my head pain dull down a bit....thank god. Not enough to want to jump right back into working out, but enough that I allowed myself to do some Yoga. My Body was so happy with me! Get some blood flowing in these muscles. I've NEVER been so upset about not being able to work out as I have been these past few days. I'm hoping a little stretching from the yoga might speed this up a bit and I'm feeling positive that I'll be feeling great within a few days. I also plan on visiting the chiro Friday or Saturday since I'm sore I've messed some things up.

My weigh in on Sunday was 141 lbs. Up 3.4. I'm being 100% honest when I say I'm not upset with this at all, honestly I even saw it coming a bit. I think I'll talk about that more tomorrow since I probably won't be doing much more then Yoga and cleaning the house in the next few days.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


My husband being home this week has thrown off my sit down time to blog. So lets catch up! I am still successfully doing 21 Day Fix. Here are the workouts I've not blogged about:

Wednesday - Lower Fix
Thursday - Pilates Fix
Friday - Cardio Fix

I enjoyed Lower Fix WAY better then Fix Extreme lol.  I will never ever ever complain about a small handful of squats and lunges again! I also purchased a knee brace after doing some internet reading. Its defiantly helping me knee out a little bit.

Pilates Fix....of course I Loved it. It had some tough moves but I can talk more about theses workouts next since I will be relating them. I even pushed through a sinus headache to get this one done. At times it seemed to be a good idea, at others it was a bad idea.

Then there was Cardio Fix.....I am just not a HUGE Cardio Fan. I took a lot of breaks and even did some modifying. It also didn't help that I SLAMMED my head into the wall earlier that night. I was letting the dogs inside and the corner of the wall meet the top of my head. It hurt SO SO SO Bad. I hit it so hard that my teeth where sore because they bashed into each other so hard. I nearly didn't get Cardio Fix in because of the non stopping dull head pain but I figured if I kept an eye on myself it would all workout ok.

I nearly have week 1 of the 21 Day Fix in the bag! I just need to do the Dirty 30 today and Yoga Fix tomorrow. I think the 21 Day Fix is mainly weights so my love for weights and yoga should make these next two days a breeze. Just hopping this dull headache will go away or dull down even more. I had some stuff I wanted to get done around the house so I'm hoping a mid morning nap will fix me up.....a little bit.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

Woke up today feeling great....which turned into a tiny bit of soreness by noon, which then morphed into a tiny bit more soreness. On the plus side it was no where NEAR the soreness from 21 Day Fix Extreme and on the extra plus side, my legs hurt and it was upper body fix today! WAHOO!!!

I really enjoyed 21 Day Fix Upper Body Fix. It used weights and was a lot more arm focus and not arms + squats and lunges like 21 Day Fix Extreme was. This made it easier to push through it. It had you use "light weights" and "heavy weights" so I used 3lbs and 5lbs. Some of the moves I think I could of easily of upped the 5lbs but since you do 5 moves, then repeat, then 5 more movies, then repeat it made me unsure of just how far I could push my arm. I'll know tomorrow if I'm able to up the weights next week or not :)

Food was a littler rougher then normal today but I think I did my best staying on track. We had soup at work today. I did my best to keep my serving side low, cut the bread bowl in half, and tried SO HARD to not snack on crackers all day. Since tonight was Valentine's it meant time to break out some chinesse food with my hubby <3. We normally order take out to avoid the crowds but since I'm on WWs this year I found a pretty dang tasty low point meal I could cook up and we enjoyed a side of Lean Cuisine spring rolls. Was super yummy and left me feeling less guilty then if I had over stuffed on the real deal. We also treated ourselves to some Halo Top ice cream. Did I go over my daily points? Yes I did, but that's what weekly points are for.

Monday, February 13, 2017


It's Monday! I actually enjoy Monday's. Weekends can be a bit rough when it comes to eating but a nice day at work means a nice routine meal. Monday's are also good times to start new workout programs....which I did today lol.

I started 21 Day Fix today. I took a look at the calendar and realized I have three weeks before I leave for a California vacation. I won't workout while I'm on vacation so I thought it was a little silly to start something only to have a week long break that might hamper results. So as I took a long hard look at my calendar I realized 3 weeks.....21 Days.....THIS WAS PERFECT!!!!! I already learned the hard way I am NOT extreme enough for 21 Day Fix Extreme so I decide on starting the normal 21 Day Fix. Today was Total Body Cardio. My body just isn't in shape for Cardio!!! It had 4 rounds where you did two moves two times for 1 minute per move each time you did it. Some moves where rough making it 20 seconds let alone 60 but I think most of them I pushed through to do at least 40 seconds. One of my fav things about starting new workout programs is seeing how rough it is to start and how easy it will become. Cant' wait until week 3 to see how bad my cardio is.

I wanted to share with you some of the food I eat. The pic today is of my meals I've had today. I did not take pictures of my snacks.

I'm not a big breakfast person. It's also hard doing weight watchers when you are already a low weight. I have 30 daily points to use and those points can go FAST when you eat a big breakfast. So for breakfast I try to keep it light and one of the ways I do that is by drinking some type of shake mix. Right now I'm LOVING Vega. This one is 3 smart points and I mix it in unsweetened almond Milk so it comes to a total of 4 points for breakfast.

I'm a creature of habit so my lunch at work typical is the same thing every. single. day. That is, until I get sick of it and switch it up. I recently switched from a turkey sandwich to a tuna salad sandwich. I kind of unsandwhiched my sandwich. It makes me feel like I eat more when I eat two slices instead of making it into one. I grab the low cal Sara Lee bread to help with my points. I also started making zero point veggie soup. It's an awesome way to get some veggies into your diet. Add in a little fruit and my lunch came to 3 smart points.

This is a VERY low point lunch and to make up for that I enjoy a few snacks. Today I munched on some pretzel sticks, an orange, and a banana before coming home. Then I came home to my all time favorite pre workout snack. I reward myself for working out before I even do it lol hey it works for me! I enjoy a light multigrain muffin toasted with some cookie butter on it.....a very very very little bit of cookie butter. This snack comes to 5 Smart Points and is only a treat I enjoy before working out. It helps knock off the after work hunger I have and helps me push through until I finish to have dinner. Love it love it love it!!! So far my snacks have equaled 7 points today.

Tonight for dinner I tried a new recipe. My hubby travels a lot which makes it super easy to eat healthy. He is home this week so I decided to search for some new recipes to try. I stumbled onto a recipe for a Layered Chicken Enchilada Bake.....BOY WAS IT AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The website said it was 8 servings and 8 smart points per serving. I don't know how I did it (used a different cheese I think) but I was able to shave a point off. I also changed it to 6 servings when I entered it into the Weight Watcher recipe builder and it turned out to be decent 9 smart points. I felt like the serving would be way to small if it was for 8 so upping to 6 helped me get a larger portion and made my tummy super happy. I also paired it with a small salad with a tiny bit of dressing and some tired cranberries for 2 smart points. So dinner came in to 11 Smart Points.

If you are counting that means I have 5 smart points to play around with tonight. I have a couple sweet things that are low points laying around the house to help with my sweet tooth. I also have some black berries in my fridge just dying to get inside my belly. So many options and I'm not sure how, if I even will, spend my last 5 smart points. My supper was pretty filling but I will probably have a light snack to help get the hunger off until morning.

layered-chicken-enchilada-bake.html  Here is the link for the Layered Chicken Enchilada Bake. IT WAS AMAZING! I HIGHLY recommend it!!! I used Reduced Fat Kraft Cheese and think that is how I was able to shave a point off but I'm not sure. I'm going to play around with the recipe in the future and maybe add some black olives or serve it with some sour cream. Yum Yum Yum! It's not often I cook healthy and get such a home run with the hubby like I did with this.